
both sides threatened in quick succession

 LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service. Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam. (Privacy Policy)AkismetThis is used to detect comment spam. SAN FRANCISCO: Twitter boss Jack Dorsey is selling his first tweet at auction, with bidding Saturday reaching $2 million in a sign of the appetite for virtual objects authenticated through blockchain technology. "just setting up my twttr," Dorsey tweeted on March 21, 2006. He also heads the BitTorrent streaming platform. It also limited the number of people eligible for the so called stimulus checks by having the payments phase out more quickly (see below for more). Under a compromise reached Friday, it also kept supplemental federal jobless benefits at $300 a week instead of raising them to $400, as the House bill had done. The benefits will last an extra week, through September 6, as part of the Senate change and the first $10,200 in unemployment payments this year won't be taxable. The populati...